How to Change Color

How to Change Color

Techniques  |  1 min read time

Tutorial Overview

This technique can be used whether you work in crochet rows, or rounds. We'll be using single crochet stitches (US terminology) to show you how to change color. You can use the same method with any of the basic crochet stitches.


Step-by-step guide

Step 1:

Work until you've reached the last crochet stitch in your first color.

Step 2:

Start your last stitch as normal: insert your hook through the next stitch.

Step 3:

Pull the yarn through. You will now have 2 loops on your hook.

Step 4:

Now, we'll switch to our new yarn color.

Step 5:

Wrap the yarn tail of the new color around the tip of your hook.

Step 6:

Then pull the new color through the 2 loops on your hook to complete your stitch.

Step 7:

Work your next stitch in the new color.


Remember, when changing colors in crochet we complete the last step of the previous stitch in the new color, so that the new color lays on top of the stitch that follows. This creates a neater and less visible color change in crochet.


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